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About the cult | Cultspreading and propaganda | Stream avatarsAll of the cult, none of the responsibility!
Welcome to the Church of Divine Apathy, dedicated to the realization and worship of our own innate irrelevance.
Contrary to popular beliefs!
"You know that kid who bought your soul at lunch with a Hostess cake? Well, we're that kid. And we're cashing in."
- Leader
Looking for answers?
Try the Book of Divine Apathy
"It is not appropriate to build a mission statement for an apathetic cult, as apathy is characterized by a lack of interest, motivation, or concern. Cult organizations typically involve a shared set of beliefs, goals, and practices that engage and energize their members. Apathy is the opposite of this, and therefore, an apathetic cult would not have a clear mission or purpose."
- OpenAI GPT Chat Assistant
Cultspreading is highly encouraged!
Download and print our business cards here. Strangers love them!
Tip: Print double-sided on heavy paper for best results.
Want to make your own uniquely homogenous cult content? For information and inspiration, check out our propaganda packs!
Peruse a library of intermittent emptiness and excruciating detail!
Cultists experience equality through loss of identity. During our broadcasts, we further diversify our anonymity with an assortment of decorative avatars!
Find the one that best represents you... and then collect the rest of them, because then your collection will be complete. Until we inevitably make more. Then you can collect those, too.
Note: The stream must be live for all of this to work. Or we need to have left Stream Avatars running while we're offline, but we wouldn't count on that.
Configure your appearance using the Stream Avatars panel!
You can choose from among the avatars that are free or that you have unlocked. Some #(avatar)s can be unlocked using #(avatarpoints), others using #(twitchbits), and still others by completing challenges (some more challenging than others).
Avatar Points are a digital currency that can be gambled, dueled for, sacrificed, and of course spent to unlock new avatars.
Like #(channelpoints), Avatar Points are earned passively while hanging out in chat during the stream. They can also be earned as rewards for certain activities, or through gambling and dueling. Some of our channel point #(reward)s involve Avatar Points, too.
Control your avatar and invoke special effects using special command words!
Some commands are available to all cultists, while others are limited to moderators only.
[more coming soon]

Description: Some of us have been culting around for a while. Some of us just have a hitch in our get-along.
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: What's in the censer? Who can say... prepare for heady vapors.
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: Need a pick-me-up? Grab a coffee from that popular coffee place like everyone else. Sip languidly.
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: Get the news of our times from News Times! Don't miss the latest DOOOOOM... you wouldn't want to say you didn't see it coming.
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: Hug your demons! Caution: they might not let go.
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: Sacrifice... it's a messy job, but someone's gotta do it. Someone else has gotta clean the floor, though.
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: Pay no attention to the hand behind the robe. Just look at this cute lil guy! And do to whatever he says!
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: 20% miss chance. 100% unaccountable.
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: Carefully rehearsing the perfect sacrificial stroke, this cultist is ready to follow through.
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: After spending hours in the library studying the art of the sword, it was time to put theory into practice. Better bring the manual, though...
Requirement: 1000 Avatar Points

Description: They say not to judge a book by its cover, but you probably could have taken a cue from a title like 'Bible of Doom', eh?
Requirement: 2000 Avatar Points

Description: Don't talk to demons before they've had their coffee. ...Or after.
Requirement: 2000 Avatar Points

Description: A festive demon, partaking in an age-old pasttime: playing with fire.
Requirement: 2000 Avatar Points

Description: The most loyal cultist is the one who brings pizza to the sacrifice.
Requirement: 2000 Avatar Points

Description: Chill out with the divine apathy vibes.
Requirement: 2000 Avatar Points

Description: Venture confidently into the darkness with this combustion-powered illumination device! Recommended by 9/10 adventurer-archaeologists.
Requirement: 2000 Avatar Points

Description: It was pretty apathetic as mobs go, but the pitchfork really drove the point home.
Requirement: 2000 Avatar Points

Description: A cultist, plain and simple.
Requirement: Free to all cultists!

Description: A cultist, mildly rotund.
Requirement: Free to all cultists!

Description: A cultist, gesticulating mildly.
Requirement: Free to all cultists!

Description: Another cultist, plain and simple.
Requirement: Free to all cultists!

Description: Not a cat.
Requirement: Free to all cultists!

Description: A cultist, cultspreading.
Requirement: Free to all cultists!

Description: The flyer said BYOS. Where's yours?
Requirement: 250 Bits

Description: A cultist, incredibly confident that these portals are going to come out where he thinks they will.
Requirement: 250 Bits

Description: The facts! The checks! The science! Here at Cult Labs, we're changing the way miracles are perceived. Ask your doctor if prescription ApathX is right for you!
Requirement: 250 Bits

Description: No, these robes aren't flame retardant. And yes, all these candles are completely necessary for the ritual. What?
Requirement: 250 Bits

Description: A cultist adrift upon a zephyr.
Requirement: 250 Bits

Description: The most ungovernable thing on 4 wheels.
Requirement: 250 Bits

Description: Just a cultist, plain and simple! Definitely not three (or four?) demons in a robe...
Requirement: 500 Bits. Chance to obtain from the Respec Leader channel point reward.

Description: The Demon Cultsmas gift avatar, embodying the spirit of cultsmas.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event

Description: This year, The Science wanted to be a cultist pulling a wagon with a pumpkin in it. Who are we to deny The Science?
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event

Description: It's just a cute lil jack-o-lantern! ...that may not have been there a moment ago. Wait, where'd it go?
Requirement: Chance to obtain by defeating the pumpkin boss in a Trick, during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event

Description: Ponder this.
Requirement: Become a mod for the stream. Or don't, though... power's not for everyone.

Description: Social media meets infernal networking.
Requirement: Follow the Church of Divine Apathy on #(twitter) and whisper the clue word to #(churchofdivineapathy.streamer) during a #(stream).

Description: A cultist playing a sacred cult instrument: the discordian. Formal musical training is discouraged.
Requirement: Join the Church of Divine Apathy #(discord) server and whisper the clue word to #(churchofdivineapathy.streamer) during a #(stream).

Description: Propaganda on wheels! Enjoy cult programming all day, every day. Praise.
Requirement: Follow the Church of Divine Apathy on #(youtube) and whisper the clue word to #(churchofdivineapathy.streamer) during a #(stream).

Description: We tried the face thing, too; it never caught on.
Requirement: Join the Church of Divine Apathy on #(facebook) and whisper the clue word to #(churchofdivineapathy.streamer) during a stream.

Description: We heard the internet likes cats. Are we doing it right?
Requirement: Follow the Church of Divine Apathy on #(instagram) and whisper the clue word to #(churchofdivineapathy.streamer) during a #(stream).

Description: A cultist, gestating intensely. Created in honor of Kismetesque for her baby shower stream!
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Respec Leader channel point reward

Description: Remember that Twitch-based social site that was around for half a minute? ...Oh, the levitation? Yeah we can do that now.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Respec Leader channel point reward

Description: A cultitht, plain and thimple. ONE OF UTH! PRAITHE! ...what?
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Respec Leader channel point reward

Description: A two-dimensional cultist peeled straight out of Core Keeper, where leader painstakingly cleared a large area of the map and built it square by square.
Requirement: Whisper the clue word Leader spelled out near our base in an an old Core Keeper clip from our first playthrough (now deleted).

Description: A cultist on a grand adventure, transporting knowledge from across realities to the great vaults of meh
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Respec Leader channel point reward

Description: Who's a good doggo? This cultist! Created in honor of a cultist's best friend, the loyal bark bark: DNDLocke.
Requirement: Be Bark Bark, of which there is only one.

Description: Sam's not culty... or is she? An homage to #(samsnotfunny). Fun fact: This was originally created as a reward for participating in a fundraiser to get surgery for her cat Oliver. Extra fun fact: we did it!
Requirement: Use a #(samsnotfunny.streamer) emote in chat.

Description: An incorporeal cat became a cultist, courtesy of Kanyon. #(ThunderKaynon), that is.
Requirement: Use a #(thunderkanyon.streamer) emote in chat.

Description: That hat looks vaguely familiar... it's Derbi! An homage to #(VincentVaguely).
Requirement: Use a #(VincentVaguely.streamer) emote in chat.

Description: Some of us are a bunny sometimes. A floofy bouncy homage to #(aubreykadabra)!
Requirement: Use an #(aubreykadabra.streamer) emote in chat.

Description: Bringing divine apathy to the residents Stardew Valley! All of them. An initiative was undertaken by #(xChaosxPixiex) to turn all of the character sprites into cultists, and we turned right back around and made one into an avatar! This avatar charms us all with its adorable unique !h ability. 〈3
Requirement: Use a #(xChaosxPixiex.streamercu) emote in chat.

Description: Praise Chelby, queen of brainspiders!
Requirement: Use a #(chelbylou.streamer) emote in chat.

Description: You've been powering up, we can tell. The epitome of cult ascension: laser hands.
Requirement: Subscribe on Twitch

Description: A spirited trio of Ralphs attempting feats beyond their usual capabilities.
Requirement: Get the Golden Ralph! Chance to obtain from the Spawn a Humunkulus channel point reward.

Description: I should have asked for more time off. He should have asked for a lawyer.
Requirement: Win 5 duels

Description: Ask the librarian, get the answer. The whole entire answer. With references.
Requirement: Read the #(rules) and whisper the clue word to #(churchofdivineapathy.streamer) during a #(stream).

Description: Wait, why am I the only one here in a white robe?
Requirement: Redeem the Sacrifice channel point reward to spend your hard earned #(channel points) and give another cultist some #(avatarpoints).

Description: Flip flap flop. Who knows why it's following you.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event.

Description: Eyebats flap in Cultsmas hats and brainspiders go _____
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event

Description: A drewdlebug that mostly hums.
Requirement: Free to all cultists after our 2024 Spring Ralph Hunt event! Hatch all the Ralphs, hatch all the void babies... you did it.

Description: A drewdlebug that mostly sways.
Requirement: Free to all cultists after our 2024 Spring Ralph Hunt event! Hatch all the Ralphs, hatch all the void babies... you did it.

Description: This doesn't seem physically possible... but heck, it's seasonally appropriate.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event

Description: A Ralph made to shower love everywhere he goes.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: If you take an arrow from this little guy, look around for another cultist in agony. Congratulations, you're matched!
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: A stylish partyhat hat to crown your cultist adventures.
Requirement: Say 'happy birthday leader' in chat, any time!

Description: A stylish partyhat hat to crown your cultist adventures.
Requirement: Say 'happy birthday phaedri' in chat, any time!

Description: A stylish partyhat hat to crown your cultist adventures.
Requirement: Say 'happy birthday kismet' in chat, any time!

Description: LEFT. RIGHT. UP UP UP.
Requirement: Join us on Brainspider Awareness Day, whenever that is.

Description: A classic choice for the most seasonal time of the year.
Requirement: Free to all cultists!

Description: A stylish santaralph hat to crown your cultist adventures.
Requirement: unavailable

Description: A unicorn poop, in ways you didn't imagine.
Requirement: Use a Derppinrex emote in chat!

Description: A stylish custom hat to crown your cultist adventures.
Requirement: Be the Venerable Pope Bishop Peppers, of which there is only one.

Description: Team brainspider would like you to put this on your head, please.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: When you feel like tying someone's shoelaces together, or balancing a cup of water on top of a door.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: For mindlessly flapping about.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: My Ralph rides a bicyle. Your Ralph needs a monocle.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Whenever we would wonder, we will say: Trust The Science.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Aw man, where did I leave those mushrooms?
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Like a normal beanie, but with more eyestalks.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: At least the mouth isn't on the bottom. Don't get too close to your friends.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: It's totally safe to wear.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Eyeballs all over, covered in goo!
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: The mouth is on the bottom, sure, but it looks like an herbivore... right?
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Hum and sway, and see if anyone brings you shiny things.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Never, ever risk this with a real one.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: For the sweetest and most magical of dreams.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Never worry about fruit flies or mosquitos ever again!
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Feeling moody? This hat totally gets you.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Deter other critters the natural way.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Aww, it's just a little drool. He's so happy to see your head!
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: The best kind of hat for just hanging out.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: For the average lamp enjoyer.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: You'll find yourself wanting to wear it again, and again, and again...
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Those little wings are too small to lift you, but that won't stop you from trying.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: A memento of your visit to the crystal caves.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: If you hear that brayin' call, just let 'em gallop on.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: Tame this majestic hat before it tames you!
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event.

Description: A freshly hatched pink ralph covered in purple spots.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched purple Ralph covered in blue spots.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched goldenrod Ralph covered in green spots.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched yellow Ralph covered in blue spots.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched Ralph with blue and purple stripes.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched Ralph with pink and orange stripes.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched Ralph with pink and green stripes.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched Ralph with green and yellow stripes.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched yellow Ralph covered in green triangles.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched orange Ralph covered in little purple triangles.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched pink Ralph covered in little orange triangles.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: A freshly hatched blue Ralph covered in little pink triangles.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from the Hatch Ralph channel point redeem during our annual Spring Ralph Hunt event. Gotta hatch 'em all!

Description: Hand dipped in signature DevCro Blue pigment specially supplied by Practically Potion.
Requirement: Use a #(devcro.streamer) emote in chat.

Description: A basic Ralph. He gets the job done.
Requirement: Free to all cultists!

Description: Don't eat him. He's probably been sitting out since last year.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event

Description: He has one reason to exist this Cultsmas: looking cute in a little hat.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event

Description: Not sure if peppermint flavored, or just did a cartwheel in the snow.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event

Description: This Ralph is lit.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event

Description: Made to take notes, but feels cooler when he holds the chalk like a cigarette. What a lil' badass.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Someone made a ralph to sleep so they don't have to... huh. We wonder if this worked.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Makes you want to dance to music no one can hear.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: The Ralph whose job it is to hang the blue ornaments.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event, or from The Claw channel point reward

Description: The Ralph whose job it is to hang the green ornaments.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event, or from The Claw channel point reward

Description: The Ralph whose job it is to hang the purple ornaments.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event, or from The Claw channel point reward

Description: The Ralph whose job it is to hang the red ornaments.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event, or from The Claw channel point reward

Description: The Ralph whose job it is to hang the yellow ornaments.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event, or from The Claw channel point reward

Description: He gets things done, but he can't go anywhere without doing a... yeah, that.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: He'll bring you a half-empty coffee cup! Eventually!
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: He'll bring you coffee!
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: This town is big enough for at least two of us.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Watch it with those finger guns... you'll lose an eye.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Diligent. Maybe TOO diligent.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Get your flippin' ralph out of here.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Spooders™ Hazmat Team B. Clearly the superior team.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Spooders™ Hazmat Team Y. Clearly the superior team.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: What is his purpose?
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Now I sleep with one eye open... one big eye.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Never buckle your own swash again.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: He'll have 'em walking the plank.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Fresh from the factory.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: This ralph was made for walking, and that's just what he'll do.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: .
Requirement: unavailable

Description: .
Requirement: unavailable

Description: The ralph whose job it is to hang the cultsmas lights. Might want to tell him where...
Requirement: Chance to obtain from a Cultsmas gift during our annual Cultsmas gifting event, or from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Is this a ralph skull? Do ralphs even have skulls? Would that change how unsettling this is?
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Where'd you get those? Don't know and don't care.
Requirement: Chance to obtain as a Treat during our annual spooky Trick Or Treat event, or from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Your ralph is ringing, you gonna pick it up?
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: There's no service in the void.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: With the latest in pestilence technology!
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Would be a lot scarier if he wasn't just bumping into everything.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: Only mostly spaghettified.
Requirement: Chance to obtain from The Claw channel point reward

Description: When he's probably too sleepy to get up to anything, but you can't really let him out of your sight, just in case.
Requirement: Not sure...

Description: The coveted companion of pro Voidball players. Don't let Mr. Voidberry spot him...
Requirement: Score the most goals and become MVP in a game of Voidball! Kick off a game with the Voidball channel point redeem

Description: A loyal ground companion, the voidling is ready for every cultist quest.
Requirement: Free to all cultists after our 2024 Spring Ralph Hunt event! Hatch all the Ralphs, hatch all the void babies... you did it.

Description: A loyal ground companion, the voidling is ready for every cultist quest.
Requirement: Free to all cultists after our 2024 Spring Ralph Hunt event! Hatch all the Ralphs, hatch all the void babies... you did it.

Description: A loyal ground companion, the voidling is ready for every cultist quest.
Requirement: Free to all cultists after our 2024 Spring Ralph Hunt event! Hatch all the Ralphs, hatch all the void babies... you did it.

Description: A loyal ground companion, the voidling is ready for every cultist quest.
Requirement: Free to all cultists after our 2024 Spring Ralph Hunt event! Hatch all the Ralphs, hatch all the void babies... you did it.